Hygge Time!
Huh? What did I just write Hygge? What in the world is that?!?!?! Many of you have already heard me talk about it as i have a regular segment on my audio podcast Little Cabin Knits that talks all about ways to incorporate Hygge
into your life. But just for the sake of a refresher let's take it back to the basics.
According to the dictionary Hygge is: A quality of coziness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being (regarded as a defining characteristic of Danish culture).
For many years now I have incorporated Hygge into my daily lifestyle. It’s probably the one thing I do really well in my daily self-care practice, because in all honesty who doesn’t want to be comfortable and cozy??? So, as you may imagine, I am a big advocate for living your most Hygge (pronounced hoo-ga) lifestyle.
In whichever way you create it in your life, Hygge is all about creating feelings of happiness, friendliness and wellbeing within everyday life.
It's about finding deeper meaning within ordinary life and establishing a meaningful, mindful connection with the world. Hygge is not about grand gestures, but rather, embracing little luxuries every day in order to foster a sense of familiarity, comfort and kinship. How lovely.
So, as the darker evenings draw in, it's time to hunker down, settle in and do as the Danes do.
Here's how:
1. Spend quality time with family and friends
2. Sit by a roaring fire -No fireplace? Turn on the fireplace channel on YouTube or your smart device (there are also lots of apps out there for this)
3. Keep things simple – Cook simply, simplify your life, etc.
4. Dim the lights and use candles instead
5. Decorate inside and outside
6. Bake bread
7. Drink your favorite drink and cozy up
8. Don’t deprive yourself – Indulge in good food once in awhile
9. Stay balanced – Yes indulge but also include activities that move your body and bring you joy
10. Get outside
11. Pick up a book and
12. Put down the digital device
As for me one of my favorite Hygge “routines” is to settle in after work, light a candle, or even a fire, turn on the latest book I’m listening too and knit for an hour or two.
This recharges my battery and promotes that feeling of peace that may have been unattainable throughout the rest of the day whether it be because of work, or personal duties.
How will you Hygge today?