Between Knits and Purls (life happenings)
You can find me on IG and Ravelry as: Andersmillknits
This week Emily had some health problems and she talks about her personal experience with PTSD affected her health in the last week.
If you, or a loved one is struggling with mental health concerns we want to encourage you to seek help from a local therapist.
If you are experiencing suicidal ideation/thoughts you can call the 24 hour national call line at
You can find me on IG and Ravelry as: Farmsteadknits
This last week Stephanie has been very busy with her garden and is seeing real growth in all hr plants!
The old group on Ravelry titled “For the love of minis” has been renamed “between Knits and Purls” that’s where news and notes can be found.
Don’t forget our website
Once we reach 1,000 subscribers we have a maga giveaway planned!
A sweaters Quantity of yarn + a pattern of your choice of up to $10 U.S. dollars on the pattern plate form of your choice.
Book: Seasonal Slow Knitting + 1 skein of yarn
1 skein of yarn + a pattern of your choice of up to $10 U.S. dollars on the pattern plate form of your choice.
So share, like and subscribe to get the word out!
PlanknitKal news:
March is the last month in the 3 month series to organize your yarn and wool.
You can find all the details of the year long kal at Ravelry: AndersMill Knits Podcast discussion topic - Plan Knit KAL
April -June we will be focusing on organizing our patterns
Online: Ravelry and other places
Matching yarn to projects, etc.
Stephanie and I are planning a special episode to talk all about how we organized our yarn stash and ideas for moving forward in organizing our pattern stash! So stay tuned!
Swap: you can sign up for the spring SWAP at Between Knits and Purls Ravelry group here
Marsland Sweater for Jeremy (wedding sweater)
Yarn used: Knit Picks Provincial Tweed
Colorways: Grey (MC), Frozen Pond (CC), Black (CC), Salsa Verda (CC), & Caramel (CC)
Starfall for Emily (wedding sweater)
Yarn Used: Knit Picks City Tweed
Colorways: Kelp (MC), Artichoke (CC), Harbor Seal (CC), & Primrose (CC)
Aegolius top test knit for wee_ewe_knits Yarn Used: Mad Tosh twist light in the Copper Pink Colorway
No FO’s this week!
A Girl’s Best Friend Mother’s Day Shawl
Knit with Six and Seven Fibre in the Alfalfa base
Colorways: Learning to Love, Grey Lady, Gingersnap
Darkwater Sweater by Jennifer Steingass
Knit with: Tamiwicolors Plum Beads & Dark Plumb
Vanilla Bean Striped Socks by Emily O'Grady
Knit with: Knit Picks Felici
Tossing Wool:
Gradient Colorway from Fibernymph Dyeworks
Mad Tosh twist light in the Copper Pink Colorway